1st Grade Math Enrichment Classes

Initiate a love of learning.

A Grade Ahead’s 1st grade math enrichment classes introduce day-to-day mathematical concepts and topics. Students will retain methods to solving real-life mathematical scenarios. Skills learned in our 1st grade material will pave the path for a successful academic career. The curriculum expands upon mathematical concepts such as:

  • Test-taking skills & strategies
  • Story problems
  • Mental math
  • Concepts of measurement
  • Concepts of time
  • Numerical proficiency and strategies

You may also be interested in 1st grade English.

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Month 1
Curriculum Topics
Counting; Word problems; Patterns
Numerical Path
Add/Subtract 1:
Examples 19 + 2 = ? and 16 + 5 = ?
Month 2
Curriculum Topics
Place value; Standard, expanded, and word form
Numerical Path
Add/Subtract 2:
Examples: 19 - 2 = ? and 16 - 5 = ?
Month 3
Curriculum Topics
Numerical Path
Add/Subtract 3:
Examples: 15 + 3 = ? and 27 - 7 = ?
Month 4
Curriculum Topics
Word problems; Odd/Even; Add/Sub facts
Numerical Path
Add/Subtract 4:
Examples: 31 + 10 = ? and 35 + 5 = ?
Month 5
Curriculum Topics
Tables; Bar graphs; Pie/Circle graphs
Numerical Path
Add/Subtract 5:
Examples: 31 - 10 = ? and 35 - 5 = ?
Month 6
Curriculum Topics
Numerical Path
Add/Subtract 6:
Examples: 4 + 2 + 3 = ? and 5 + 6 + 7 = ?
Month 7
Curriculum Topics
Inches, centimeters, and feet; Ounces and pounds
Numerical Path
Add/Subtract 7:
Examples: 41 + 8 = ? and 38 - 7 = ?
Month 8
Curriculum Topics
Numerical Path
Add/Subtract 8:
Examples: 57 + 2 = ? and 96 - 3 = ?
Test Prep Month
Curriculum Topics
Grade Readiness
*Some may offer in a month other than February. Check with your local academy.
Numerical Path
Add/Subtract 9:
Examples: 155 + 4 = ? and 167 - 3 = ?
Month 9
Curriculum Topics
Numerical Path
Add/Subtract 10:
Examples: 25 + 52 = ? and 87 - 31 = ?
Month 10
Curriculum Topics
Numerical Path
Add/Subtract 11:
Examples: 87 + 22 = ? and 93 - 21= ?
Month 11
Curriculum Topics
Preparing to Move A Grade Ahead
Numerical Path
Add/Subtract 12:
Examples: 14 + 7 = ? and 55 - 41 = ?