5th Grade Science Lessons & Questions (with Answers)

With our 5th grade science worksheets, students will begin with an advanced scientific method introduction through application and inquiry-based learning. Students will enhance their knowledge of Earth, physical, and life sciences even further. Students will think like a scientist as they solve problems and observe natural phenomena. A Grade Ahead’s 5th grade science enrichment program will teach students more about:

  • The solar system and weather
  • Energy and motion
  • Cells and biology

Students will also learn inquiry-based learning skills, such as:

  • Critical thinking
  • Inference and observation-based scientific thinking
  • Ability to design an effective experiment with a control and a variable

Don’t forget, your child can begin the curriculum at any time throughout the year. Start learning today!


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Week 1
Application and Inquiry
The Scientific Method
Week 2
Earth Science
The Solar System
Week 3
Earth Science
Cycles and patterns in the Solar System
Week 4
Earth Science
Weather and Climate
Week 5
Earth Science
Natural processes and landforms
Week 6
Earth Science
Earth Science Project Week
Week 7
Physical Science
Light energy
Week 8
Physical Science
Sound energy
Week 9
Physical Science
Force and motion
Week 10
Physical Science
Mixtures and solutions
Week 11
Physical Science
Physical Science Project Week
Week 12
Life Science
Cell biology
Life Science
Plant and animal cells
Week 14
Life Science
Plant and animal systems
Week 15
Life Science
Biological Change
Week 16
Life Science
Life Science Project Week